About Us
Department of Climate Change (DOCC) is a mandated Vanuatu government department under the Meteorology, Geological Hazards and Climate Change Act No. 25 of 2016 tasked with the coordination and implementation of all Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management and Mitigation to climate change impacts throughout the country. It is the fifth government department under the Ministry of Climate Change and Natural Disasters (MOCC).
“To Promote an Enabling Environment Encompassing Climate Governance, Adaptation and Mitigation Approaches via Inclusive and Equitable Services”.
“A Sustainable and Climate Resilient Vanuatu”.
Principle and Values
- Transparency: Operating openly on sensitive matters for others to see and to enable effective good relationship among partners resulting in increased participation in all aspect of planning and implementation of activities.
- Accountability: Maintain the integrity of the department by ensuring culturally acceptable provision of services through proper uses of allocated budget and relief supplies.
- Innovation: enabling dynamic systems that are science and evidence based, adaptable to changing situations, incorporating traditional knowledge and practice, emerging trends, technological advances and local contexts.
- Partnership: Working together with other responsible humanitarian actors including government, private, donors funded projects and civil society organizations to implement priority activities highlighted in the business plan.
- Positive Working Environment and Effectiveness
- Equity: Providing opportunities for meaningful participation by all groups in society, including women, youth, the elderly, people with disabilities, remote communities; valuing traditional practices; and engaging with all levels of government, industry sectors, development partners, donors, academia, regional and international bodies.
- Inclusiveness: To encourage the participation of all groups to achieve equitable outcomes and interventions in Climate change and DRM.
- Community Focus: empowering communities at the local level through a bottom-up approach, drawing on local skills, values and traditional knowledge, and enhancing decentralization in planning, programmes and projects;
- Learning and Reflection
- Sustainability: Strengthening and utilizing the existing systems through mitigation and adaption building on experience, learning from events, activities and good practice to ensure continuity of programs.
Strategic Priorities and Actions
Systems: governance, finance, and knowledge and information.
Themes: climate change adaptation, low carbon development (mitigation), and response and recovery.
Cross-Cutting: Mainstreaming climate change, Capacity building, Gender equality and other vulnerable group inclusion, Partnership development, Information and data sharing and Monitoring and evaluation